Our app analytics SDK supports 10 developer environments


  1. Trusted By
    App Developers
  2. Applied By
    Mobile Apps
  3. Processing
    Data Every Day

SmartCodeless Tracking of User Behaviours


Smartcode goes live Now!

  • Codeless
  • No Update
  • Easy Testing

Smartcode allows you to manage all the events dynamically on the platform. SDK will automatically configure all the tracking codes for you.

New WeApps·Big Data Differences


TalkingData WeApp Analytics

Decisions made by CXO, Features improved by Developers,
Content created by Operators, Analytics provided by US!
  1. Faster
  2. Dedicated
  3. Professional

A Complete User Analysis System

Standardised metrics data system and systematic analytical framework.
In line with industry standards.


  • 图标User Acquisition三角图标
  • 图标Usage Analyze三角图标
  • 图标Rentention三角图标
  • 图标Conversion三角图标
  • ·

    Accutually tracks the traffic from
    each distribution channel

    Identifies the number of the users acquired from each channel , provides you with real-time data reports, and enables you to make rapid response.

    Analyses how your apps are used

    Do you know what time users use your apps?
    Which functions and content are popular?
    How long do users spend on your apps every day?
    How much do users rely on your apps?
    Data gives you all the answers.

    Customer activity analysis and retention rate

    Apart from the standard industry metrics,we provide you with customized query on the data of user retention,depending on the specific need.
    Rentention data within 90 days can be calculated and monitored.

    Analyses the converstion rate of the in-app events

    AppAnalytics provides a hierarchical customized events tracking feature.
    Along with the conversion funnels to help you to optimize your products.

    Live Data Operation

    To fully implement precise operation by using globalised anylytics methodology.
    User Segmentation Analysis
    By analyzing devices, regions, user sources, and user behavious, segmentation analysis allows you to define and understand your user groups and conduct targeted marketing.
    Funnel Analysis
    By using the simple funnel tool to customize the conversion funnel, which helps you to understand the conversion rate in each step and to optimize your apps.
    Multidimensional Drill-Downs
    Multidimensional screening enables you to filter out channel, version and featured user group data from various data report.

    Improve Efficiency

    Detailed functional design is dedicated to help you improve efficiency.


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